Avid Release Pt 10.3 For Mac

2020. 1. 28. 01:55카테고리 없음

Avid Release Pt 10.3 For Mac

Jun 24, 2017 - Usually you can't install ProTools 10 on any OSX greater than version 10.9 without editing. EDIT: On my System (10.12.5), vanilla ProTools 10.3.10 does not start, BUT 10.3.9. You can download the.dmg Files from AVID.

I just updated to MC 7.0.3 hoping to fix a bunch of AMA issues that I was having. The update did successfully fix most of the AMA Issues but now has created other bugs that wasted almost 20 hours of my time. My goal is not to get into these but make a point which you will see below.

  1. Download AVID ProTools v10.3.10.MacOSX torrent or any other torrent from Mac category.
  2. Avid Virtual Instruments 10.3 Installer (Mac) [2780.29 MB] Avid Virtual Instruments 10.0 Installer (Win) [2592.73 MB] Pro Tools 10.3.4 Installer (Win) [1756.85 MB].

Here's what I think it's time for, I don't want MC 7.5, Protools 12, Windows 9, OS X 10.10.x etc, etc, etc. I think its time to stop with the updates to new versions and actually finish software. Everyone is quilty of this so lets just have all software continue to be fixed instead of abandoning unfinished versions that never really do what they should. Case and point I work with a guy who owns two MC 7 Dongles but still uses Version 5, I have also done dailies for very large Production Companies that are still using Version 4. The answer I get from all of them is that it's not the money that it's going to cost to upgrade the software and in some cases the Hardware but something completely different. They all basically state that we know the Versions of Software we are using inside out and also know every bug there is as well as the work arounds for all of them. I definitely understand there point of view and see why updating a large infrastucture can be a daunting task and costly in other ways.

Avid Release Pt 10.3 For Mac

In my case I must keep upto date to be able to properly implement all the new digital workflows but once I pass the Media and Bins on to the next stage it basically comes down to Editing, is Editing, is Editing, so why would they update. Yah there may be cute new features but does an offline editor really need 99.9% of them, no they just want the old protocols to work flawlessly and know how to get around the known instead of new unknown issues. New features could be sold as add ons and those who want or need them would be able to purchase them at a reasonable cost and those who don't will not be forced to pay for version updates we don't really need. I do of course realize that I have overlooked many things in this Post but if I were to type all the ones that I have a handle on it would create a novel. Not only would no one read it others would add from there wealth of knowledge and then we'd have several novels to read. Thanks for reading my concepts to a better computing future.

Following this logic, there wouldn't even be a Windows XP, or Win 7, or OSX, or even Avid 7, 6, 5 or 4. These companies would have stopped upgrading/improving at the very beginning. Having been an original Avid owner when there was only one, very poor, video resolution, I can't imagine going back to that system, even if it would be rock solid. Updates and upgrades are how the industry progresses. I put up with the bugs and bug fixes in order to be able to do my job better and more efficiently.

If you have a working version with a working OS, and you like it as it is, there is no reason to upgrade. I will keep upgrading. Ultimatley if what you have does exactly what you need.

Then bug fixed or not you won;t change it. Why would you. I no some post houses that don't even update to a point release that would save them a few work around steps. They won't change because everyone knows those work around steps and so why rock the boat. However not upgrading does present issues later down the line. At soem point the hardware won't work with that old version and the effort of maintaining that old hardware will become increasingly difficult.

And when they eventually have to update the jump will be so massive it will leave them shell shocked. Where as updating periodically introduces relatively small learning needs. Vertedge you're right, but in the past couple of years, the new trend is to release a 'new version' as soon as there is one new feature. Before that, software companies used to iron the bugs, bring additional features, and the big software number change was only there for huge changes. They all do it. Apple took a while to work on Snow Leopard and made it a great workhorse.

Then came up with 10.7 Lion, which was half baked, and less than a year later, they ditched it. Mountain Lion was a bit better, but even now it feels unfinished. Same with Mavericks.

XP was probably the last of the carefully programmed OS for Windows before they jumped in the race. And for some, it's almost a joke: how old is Google Chrome? They're on version 31.x.x as of now, who knows where they'll be by the time I finish writing. Programmed obsolescence it's called, the minute you buy something, it's been made obsolete by the manufacturer. But unfortunately Avid is doing it too. Ok, v6 was a big step away from the previous versions so it deserved a new number.

It brought Open I/O which was such a breath of fresh air, and right when Apple was leaving the Pro market. Open I/O was a bit flakey but 'Hey, we'll fix it with the next big release'. Comes 6.5 - I don't even remember the new features, a few years ago, it would have been called 6.1. Open I/O is still flakey.

But 'Hey, we'll fix it with the next big release'. Which is really just a 6.2, but let's be generous as it's the holiday season where we all try to be nice as 2013 fades away: it should have been called 6.5.

Open I/O is still a bit flakey in 7 and not very snappy like we used to have. But guess what.

'Hey, we'll fix it in the next big release'! Without saying it's a solution for the problematics caused by Avid having to adapt to the ever more demanding market I advice any user that 'needs the job done', whether a single MC license user, or a broadcaster with shared storage, media management, and whatsoever, to stay away from the latest release of MC and always use one that has gone through several update cycles. Of course if everybody would do the same this it would also not be a solution as nobody would be testing the latest versions.

The point where I agree with OP is that a paying user is not paying to be a beta tester. When a piece of software still deserves the term beta and when it is eady for customer use is of course a matter of individual interpretation. But looking at the developments since MC 4, I think Avid is walking scaringly close to the edge of what is acceptable.

Just my view. In the past I've always get V.0 releases off the main systems until a few point releases down the line. But the feature set that came with V7.0 was just too useful to avoid. We held a few machines back on V6.5 and even some on V5.5 but once we started using V7.0 it became a must have on the otehr systems. Our last V5.5 systems are now gone and the remaining 2 V6.5.4 systems are only still at that as we have an ongoing job on them.

But sure would be greta to have the Open I/O sorted once and for all but maybe that's part of the playback engine rebuild. As I said earlier if you don't need the features then consider what you gain from an upgrade.

While I do agree with all these points the computing world has become somewhat stagnant, therefore we now have the luxury to start perfecting things. We have now settled on 64bit OS's, CPU Clock speeds are not really increasing anymore and bus speeds are pretty much at there max. All of the major upgrades to computers are multi core CPU's, more RAM, GPU's and SSD's. The next major speed bumps will either have to be super conductors (still a long way off) or full integration like the new Mac Pro's.

At this point in time I'm not ready for the limitations imposed by the new Mac Pro's, I find this to closed to customization. Yet this may be the start of forcing everyone to use the same core technologies. Open CL, Open GL, Core Animation, Core Audio, etc. And any other standardization amongst OS's could benefit everyone. There's more but work beckons. Thanks for the great input everyone and the fact that no one seems to be P.O.d about this thread is great. I want to spend a little bit of time going through all of the great responses and build a combined response to all of your input.

First however I would like to make a point about something that kind of solidifys the whole reason I started this in the first place. I purchased Compressor 4.0.7 much earlier this year and almost instantly ran into a problem.

Avid Release Pt 10.3 For Mac Free


The issue was that when I exported Ref Movies from Avid and used it to convert these Ref Movies Timecode Offsets were always present. Finally after a couple of months I posted a review in the App Store which is still there and kept an eye out for updates hoping the problem would be fixed. In the interim I found an old install of Final Cut Studio and just installed Compressor 3. I'm not a huge Compressor fan but it has it's place sometimes and Version 3 has done the job flawlessly. So what's my point. I finally went to the App Store yesterday to see why there has seemingly has been no fixes and at first was pleased to see that 4.1 is out. I hoped this would fix the Timecode issue, until I tried to install it.

Yah you cannot install the update unless you have Mavericks. With all the Pro Software on my system plus the fact that I'm in the middle of several projects I must throw that idea out the Window.

So in closing here we go again, an unfinished piece of software and forced to update everything for one stupid $50 APP. First of all it's not going to happen and second is this a trend that everyone is going to follow.

They have such a great OS but is there really no money in the Pro World anymore and is 'forced' not 'planned' obsolescence going to be the future. Thanks again. As we often say in the video business, people want things fast, cheap, and of high quality.but you only get to pick two of those. If you want it cheap and need it now, you're not going to get the best quality.

I know Avid is working hard to fix the many bugs we have all been experiencing, but the truth is they don't have the resources available as they once did (trying to be competitive with price) and alot of people needed a version of MC that worked on Mavericks NOW because of new Macs. So guess which of the three we don't usually get?

Here's my summary after reading all of the fantastic posts. I agree with the statement OP made about us essentially being Beta testers. Red was one company who at one time and still may have the balls to define there software as Beta. This used to piss me off but now I realize that I was being told right up front 'hey if you have problems it's Beta and we will try to fix it'. I also agree with not jumping to new releases until a few point updates have been out.

The problem is when you are told that you have to use a specific version for a job then you must, especially when there's good money in it. I do as well agree with not changing software like Pat mentioned on an on going or in the middle of any project unless the problems end up being really severe. Thirdly Lion and Mountain Lion only had five point releases and Avid 6 and 6.5 only I believe four before being completely abandoned. How can anything ever be fixed in less than at least ten updates. Note: much to my surprise ProTools 10.3.8 was recently released even though 11 is the latest product, now that's a breathe of fresh air. As much of a breathe of fresh air Open I/O was I find it basically useless.

I find it slow and buggy and we had two offline editors working for three months on systems using BM Hardware and open I/O when we finally gave up and bought two Nitris DX boxes. The speed of Avid, constant issues, crashes, lost time and therefore money did not out weigh the cost of the Avid Hardware.

So the Cards have been shelved unless we can use them somewhere else, another waste of money. Note: both Avid and BM need to fix Open I/O not just Avid. Lastly Kevin mentions that we can only have two of three, ie: fast, cheap or quality.

Avid Release Pt 10.3 For Mac Download

We actually can't have any the way things are going. The new update of Avid fixed all of the AMA problems I was having but gave me two new bugs, one which is just annoying and the other which cost me time and a delivery delay. I created a very large timeline of all three Versions of a Thirteen Part Series and set my system to create a Video Mix Down on Chrisymas Day while at a family function which I've done many times before. After twenty hours of the Video Mix Down going I came back only to find that I couldn't use it because I had an 18 hour long Video clip that was Black Video from beginning to end. I was then forced to find a work around and redo the Video Mixdown. Awesome waste of time especially since 7.0.2 didn't have this issue but made my project difficult to work with because of the constant AMA problems. I know I should have tested it first but when a client delivers the last of the material ten minutes before you need it sometimes we forget to test things that have always worked before.

Thanks all of you for your input and may Avid and Open I/O be with you, and also with you. Like all things it's a balance. Having been involved in the beta testing in the past I can assure you a lot of folks put a lot of time in testing and feeding back on issues prior to release but that all takes time and holding back the release of the product until it's perfect just doesn't work now adays. Look at FCP-X and it's issues and fixes. Even Apple are effectively beta testing on end users. It's the way the world works nowadays.

I see MC releases as far more cost effective, having far more new features in a much shorter time frame, and that has lots of pluses for me and my company. We work with Apple and Premiere and both of those suffer equally from new updates and bugs and problems. This job has always been about managing the workflow and the tools it's just that the goal posts keep moving. You won't ever nail the goal posts in place the only option is to keep up with them or even ahead of them or let the sub come on:-). You are once again like everyone else 100% correct. The only major issue that I'm left with after reading all of your posts is the abandonment of software after so few point updates. The new features in MC 7 have made me 80 to 90% pleased that I was told I had to upgrade.

I just don't want to see it abandoned at 7.0.4 or 7.0.5 to jump to 7.5 for the next couple of new features. Avid has seemingly got out of this with ProTools and Version 10. We had 10, 10.1, 10.2 and now 10.3 each with there point releases and we are currently at 10.3.8. So why can they do it on the Audio side but not with MC.

Talk about a horror story running I believe 10.3.3 at the time recording 59 tracks of a live event that was almost four hours long with no place to stop anywhere. I hit the space bar at the end of the show and had nothing anywhere in PT.

After trying to open the files on the HD with QuickTime and any other Audio software on my system I just about walked out of the trailer to the Production Trailer and said 'SUE' me right now please. Luckily I said screw it lets just drop all the files back into PT and see what happens, well PT healed every one of them. The only residual problem was the Timecode in the files was wrong so I could only roughly spot them. My practice is to chase Timecode and start recording fifteen minutes before the start of the show at a specific time which would make spotting easy but in this case the 'GO, Start Now' command came over the intercom and who knows at exactly what time I started the record. At least PT was able to heal the files unlike much older versions and the Post Houses Audio Engineer said no big deal I can find all kinds of places to line it up.

Wow another Novel to read, I think it's time I drop this. Hopefully someone can come up with a favourable solution for both the developers and the users. Thanks again, Yes I'm Canadian. We are kind and friendly except on Stargate Atlantis and Southpark.

Avid Release Pt 10.3 For Mac